We all know through our readings & consultations with various healthcare professionals that a child with cerebral palsy presents with a wide range of system impairment in terms of his /her posture & movement, sensations, cognition emotions on one hand and also cardio reparatory, digestive, integumentary system on the other hand.
All these systems are interconnected & can impact a function in many ways.
These impairments question their system integrities, I mean the strengths which are often hidden under the surface.
Therapists call this observable layer as multisystem impairments. For example a child is assuming a broad base of support while sitting, sits with kyphotic posture, or not been able to weight shifts in multiple planes.
This big picture data gives us the direction to dive deeper into WHY he is doing the way he is. Is it sensory or motor or cognitive or emotional? What should I address first to reach my goal?
It’s a constant inquiry of WHY and HOW.